Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My 6 month old baby food recipe

My baby started on solid food at 4 months. But, she only tried it for two weeks. I stopped feeding her solid food because I felt that she was not ready and so I stopped even though her pedia recommended that it was okay to start feeding her solids as early as 3 months old. I did not worry since my baby is fully breastfed.

At 6 months, I resume feeding her solids, taking note of the 4-day rule. That is, introducing only one type of food for 3-4 days to check for possible allergic reactions. Below are a list of foods that I prepared for my baby.

Week 1: Organic whole wheat cereal (Earth's Best) and carrots
Week 2: chayote and pumpkin
Week 3: potato and banana
Week 4: ampalaya and cereal, camote

I like Earth's Best whole wheat cereal. It comes in several sachets in a box. Its so easy to prepare and very "tipid". A single sachet is enough for 3-4 feedings (I guess depending on your baby's apetite).

The list of food above were quite easy to prepare except for ampalaya. For carrots, chayote, pumpkin and potato, I just prepared it togethr with my "sinaing". I just peeled the veges then placed on the steamer of the rice cooker when cooking rice in the morning. The amout of veges depends on you if you want for a one day feeding. I usually prepare mine good for 3 days. The cooked vege is then mashed using a regular fork. The stocked mashed vege is then placed in a clean container and then refigerated (not freeze). To prepare a single meal, I just scooped the desired amount and then add (distilled) water or expressed breast milk to get a smooth consistency.

The banana is the easiest to prepare. No need to cook. Just get the desired amount for a single feeding, mashed and ready to serve.

The ampalaya is I guess the trickest. I slice the ampalaya thinly, sprinkled salt, then extracted the bitter juice by pressing hard with my palms. After making sure I extracted all the bitterness of the ampalaya. I then blended the ampalaya meat with distilled water for smooth consistency. The serve the prepared ampalaya by alternating it with the cereal. Feeling ko kase sobrang natabangan si baby hehehe

At first I only fed my baby breakfast and lunch. When my baby reached 6 months and 3 weeks. I tried feeding her 3 times a day (at 6:30am, 11:00am, and at 5:00pm). Her milk time is given on demand since it sometimes varies because her changing nap time.

My golden rule when feeding my baby is... she decides when she's full or when she had enough. When she no longer opens her mouth, that for me is a sign that she's full already. After feeding, I give her water on her sippy cup... At 6 months and 2 weeks, my baby no longer drinks using the sippy. Also, make feeding time, fun time for your baby. Be prepared for a messy yet fun meal time.


Pepper said...

Hi Mav! I never knew you had a blog! Anyway, I was thinking of preparing ampalaya for my 6-month old, but I don't want to sprinkle salt on it. What do you think? I read that babies below 1 year old should not be given salt.

Charlotte said...

Great Services.i have some information for your blog.
Baby Food Preparation and Storage