Thursday, June 10, 2010

Working and Pumping

Since I started working again, I'm constantly worried that my milk supply won't last long... It has been two weeks, I was only able to supply 8-9oz, which is not enough. My fault really because I wasn't able to stock enough milk since I breastfed my baby directly.  My baby is almost 3 months and for now she is contended feeding only on one side of my breast. So, I guess it is sort of enough for her so I did not worry that much when I was still on my maternity leave. But when I started working I did not realize that I should stock enough milk that will last for more than a week. I am only able to pump twice at work which I guess is only sufficient for my baby's feeding the next day and sometimes she has to take 4oz formula (which she dislikes by the way).

Sharing below my typical nursing and pumping routine:

On a weekend
  • I directly nurse my baby on demand. When I attempt to express milk I only get around 1-2oz. My baby co-sleeps so night time feeding is quite easy for me.
On a typical work day
  • I just make sure that I am able to nurse my baby before I leave for work. She usually feeds at 5am, then just after her morning bath around 7am.  Play with her after for a few minutes.
  • Leave for work around 8am.
  • Pumping sessions will be at 12noon and at 4pm. Each session last for 30mins to 40mins. Yes, it takes long since I'm using only a single electric pump. I just alternate each breast because I notice that after the first 10 minutes my milk seems to increase and then pump on my other breast. 
  • I usually leave at 5:30pm, arrive at 6:30pm then nurse my baby on demand. So, I am unable to pump at home. I often planned to pump early morning but I feel to tired to do that. 

Below are my pumping supplies:

Insulated Bag - I'm using biokips, bought it for php500 I think at SM; its quite effective it can keep the milk cold for everal hours
2 ice gel packs - very cheap and does not occupy too much space, it cost only around php90 each
Evenflow bottles - i find this very useful since you can use the bottle to directly feed your baby
Pigeon single electric pump - bougth this at SM for only php2,100 on sale. It functions by continual suction motion, I just have to click th release button every 10-15 seconds. The motor of the pump is noisy.